Home options and services

Home options and services

There are many options for housing and the supports that go with your home. People with physical disabilities live with their family, with friends, in boarding type arrangements, house sharing, renting or their own place.

If you need support to find the best place for you, the best level of support, to know what you are eligible for and where you can get the support, the Government of Western Australian Department of Communities Disability Services website or National Disability Insurance Scheme website are a good place to start. Talking with your family, support providers, your co-ordinator and planner is also very important so that whatever you need to reach your goals can be planned for.

Online: http://www.disability.wa.gov.au

Online: www.ndis.gov.au

Supports available at home

Whether you access respite or are in your own home, there are a variety of services and sometimes funding is available to help you to complete your daily tasks. Reviewing the Disability Services website, the Healthy WA website regarding Home and Community Care (HACC) and speaking with your co-ordinator and planner can help you access the supports you are eligible for. Funding and terminology is changing with the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). The supports available in the home remain very similar with the NDIS, discuss them with your planner.

Some of the types of supports available include help with:

  • Transfers
  • Personal care
  • Meal preparation
  • Meal assistance
  • General household management
  • Cleaning
  • Gardening
  • Life decisions
  • Day to day decisions

Online: http://www.disability.wa.gov.au

Online: www.ndis.gov.au

Online: http://healthywa.wa.gov.au/Articles/F_I/Home-and-Community-Care-HACC